
Jack Cafferty: America's Most Unhappy Journalist

I just finished watching another Cafferty segment on CNN, and I have to say, he's the grumpiest guy on cable television. After Lynne Cheney "blitzed" Wolf Blitzer about his reporting, Wolf cut to Cafferty, who jumped in to defend him. Responding to Cheney's assertion that CNN's series "Broken Government" ignores that a strong economy is an indicator of a healthy government, Cafferty replied with a gruff "So?". Way to debate a point there, Caff.

Cafferty went on to mention the Mark Foley scandal as an example of failed Republican leadership. Hmm, seems that's a sign of a broken individual, not necessarily a broken government. How soon Democrats forget their own argument that personal indiscretions are not indicative of an inability to govern.

1 comment:

Beau said...

The good folks at CNN seem really focused on setting the record straight about today's Cheney interview. They've devoted about half of Blitzer's 7:00pm "Situation Report" to defending themselves against claims in the interview. Now, it looks like the network's crack investigative staff will be perusing Cheney's 1981 novel, /Sisters/, in an attempt to highlight indiscretions of her own.