Hillary's Internationalist Diplomacy
Hillary Clinton today called for an "internationalist" approach to diplomacy and insisted that the U.S. not fight the War on Terror alone. However, a quick check of the coalition countries on the White House website seems to contradict the lone cowboy image Dems want to cultivate. I don't know how much more "internationalist" we could be, unless, of course, Hillary is suggesting we curry favor with the European Union or, forbid the thought,with nations who want nothing more than to wipe the U.S. from the earth.
The problem is that people like Hillary Clinton actually think it matters what nations like France, Germany, and Russia believe about the U.S. You see, some Dems desperately want to win the PR war. Perhaps even more than the War in Iraq. And her glib criticism of binary thinking--seeing nations and individuals as good or evil--points to a complete unreality where this war is concerned. Terrorists are misunderstood only in the minds of some liberals. They are very clear about their desire to kill all of us, whatever our political flavor. Negotiations do not work and diplomacy does not work. The only way to make a strongman submit is to encounter a stronger man. Let's hope the U.S. proves to be the stronger man.
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