A Haggard Story?
According to the Denver Post, revelations about the Rev. Ted Haggard's purported affair with a gay prostitute grew a bit more complicated this morning when his accuser, Michael Jones, failed a polygraph test.
This is a weird story, to say the least, and hopefully judgment will be restrained until all the facts are in.
Update I: Breitbart reports that Ted Haggard admits to buying meth and receiving massages from Michael Jones, the man who claims that Haggard paid him for sex. However, Haggard says no sex was involved. The obvious question, to me at least, is what does buying drugs have to do with receiving massages?
This one looks ugly for the reverend.
Update II: The board of New Life Church dismissed Haggard as pastor, citing "sexually immoral conduct." While no one should condemn Haggard for his behavior, it is reasonable to expect better conduct than his. These men are in positions of influence and as such are held to higher standards. It is no secret, however, that pastors sometimes feel isolated, and it seems Haggard could have used some accountability along the way. Hopefully, his church can recover.
Indeed, judgment should be withheld until until more is known. However, the results of a polygraph test prove nothing one way or the other. The polygraph is junk science and not to be relied upon. See AntiPolygraph.org for the low down on lie detectors.
Thanks for posting, and I'll take your point regarding the polygraph.
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