
What Will the Baker Commission Accomplish?

With Pres. Bush's appointment of Robert Gates to SoD, the media chorus of "Daddy Bush to the rescue" is all I've heard. Gates is a member of the Baker-Hamilton Commission on Iraq and is, some say, James Baker's mouthpiece to this administration. Gates, along with Baker, is part of the braintrust, if you remember, that stopped short of deposing Saddam Hussein, much to the chagrin of many a Shiite and Kurd. Of course, one could argue that the situation is not much better now. The Bush 41 gang are being hailed as realists, unlike the ideologues who dominated the first three years of this war.

We'll have to wait until December, presumably, to find out the specifics of the Commission's report and how President Bush will react to it. However, I have a feeling that it won't be long until the Dems aren't the only ones who will be accused of cutting-and-running.

In the meantime, the fellas at Jihad Watch have compiled a list of things the Baker Commission won't do.

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